3 Kid-Friendly Stocking Stuffers for Optimal Oral Health

With the holidays quickly approaching, you may be looking for a few items to fill your child’s stocking. While candy and other sweet treats are easy options, you might be thinking it’s better to minimize the amount of sugar they have this season. If you need some help to find gifts that won’t lead to holiday cavities, here are three unique stocking stuffers that will surprise and encourage your child to take charge of their oral health.

Trade Sweets for Healthier Treats

Instead of filling your child’s stocking with candy canes and chocolate, why not gift them with a healthier alternative? Foods such as fruit, nuts, raisins, and sugar-free gum (for those who are old enough) can be great for keeping teeth and gums clean and salivary glands working at an optimal level. Your little one will be enjoying plenty of sweets throughout the holiday season, so make sure what you place in their stocking offers a different taste and a break from the sugar that is known to cause cavities.

Brush with Their Favorite Character

While a new toothbrush may not be the most popular option for a stocking stuffer, what better way to encourage better oral health than with a new brush that shows off your child’s favorite character. Whether it is Batman, Spiderman, or one of the many Disney princesses, your little one will become excited at the idea of brushing their teeth alongside their favorite fictional character. You might even look for one that sings while they brush or plays music. These are great ways to encourage your child to have fun while taking better care of their teeth and gums.

Make Flavors Fun

Instead of adding the traditional mint-flavored toothpaste and dental floss to your child’s stocking, consider that they might prefer a more fun and exciting flavor. From bubblegum and strawberry to grape and mixed berry, these tastes can make their oral hygiene routine tasty and more enjoyable. Of course, you’ll need to make sure they do not swallow the toothpaste.

You can also look for flavored dental floss and mouthwash, but do not sacrifice the approval of the American Dental Association (ADA) for a product that looks fun but offers no real benefit to your child’s smile.

By incorporating these gifts into your child’s stocking this year, be prepared to watch your child get excited about improving their oral health. You may not even need to entice them when it comes to brushing!

About the Author
Dr. Veronica Martinez is a trusted pediatric dentist with an office in Scottsdale and Phoenix. Also referred to as “Dr. V,” she is board-certified and committed to improving the smiles of children in the area. Earning her dental degree from Marquette University School of Dentistry, she specialized in pediatric dentistry at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin. Since being in the Valley since 2012, she and her team at Children’s Dental Specialty work hard to provide kids with exceptional care while offering parents tips, suggestions, and advice on ways to curb cavities while at home. If you’re looking for a few smile-friendly stocking stuffers this holiday season, contact us at our Phoenix or Scottsdale office.

Dr. Veronica:

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