Growing Grins: 3 Reasons to Take Your Child to the Dentist Early On

It’s not uncommon for parents to assume that they don’t need to worry much about their little one’s baby teeth. Did you know, though, that nearly half of the children from 2 to 11 years old get cavities in their primary teeth? It may come as a surprise to learn that dental issues can impact children so early, but kids can have the same problems as adults when it comes to their mouths.

Fortunately, you can prevent this by taking them for a checkup and cleaning with their dentist. It’s one of the simplest ways to ensure that their still-developing smile grows the way it should. Keep reading for 3 additional reasons why you schedule a dental appointment for your child sooner rather than later!

Reason #1: Monitor Their Condition

Many parents assume that they don’t need to take their children to a pediatric dentist until all their primary teeth have erupted, but that’s just not the case. They can benefit from a dentist’s oversight while their pearly whites are still coming in, too. It’s recommended that they have their first visit by the time they’re about 1 year old which is usually when their first teeth start to arrive, and then every 6 months after that. Regular appointments ensure that any concerns like compacted teeth are quickly identified and addressed to keep their grin healthy during transitional phases.

Reason #2: Spot Signs of Gum Disease

Gum disease is notoriously hard to catch in its early stages because it doesn’t exhibit symptoms until it has progressed. That might explain why approximately 73% of children between 6 and 11 years old are affected. That’s bad news for your child, who may have developed gingivitis unknowingly. If it goes untreated, it can eventually progress as they get older and enter their bloodstream. This has been associated with other more serious health conditions like diabetes and heart disease. Thankfully, their dentist knows what to look for and can keep gum disease at bay.

Reason #3: Learn About Oral Health

One of the greatest advantages of taking your kid to their dentist regularly is that they’ll learn more about dental hygiene and how to properly care for their teeth. This prepares them to take good care of themselves as they get older. Their dentist helps them understand why it’s important to brush and floss twice every day. This encourages them to maintain healthy habits at home, regardless of how old they are.

Call your pediatric dentist for a checkup today and you’ll be setting your child up to have a happy, healthy smile for life!

About the Practice

At Children’s Dental Specialty in Scottsdale, your child benefits from two compassionate providers who are passionate about helping kids develop lifelong oral care practices. They provide a comfortable environment complete with iPad stations and reading areas so that patients and their parents feel comfortable throughout their visit. They also understand that dental care can add up and so are dental insurance friendly so that funding doesn’t impact your child’s well-being. You’re welcome to request an appointment on the website or by calling (480) 282-6746.

Dr. Veronica:

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