It’s completely normal for little ones to be a bit anxious about going to the dentist. However, as a pediatric dentist who offers sedation dentistry in her Scottsdale, AZ dental office, Dr. Veronica Martinez, or Dr. V, is a pro at easing children’s fears and anxieties. She uses interactive techniques to comfort kids and make dentistry fun. At times, she might use silly words for dental instruments or even sing songs. Nothing is out of reach!

Nitrous Oxide Dental Sedation
Nitrous oxide, or “laughing gas,” is a mild, conscious sedative. It’s a safe and effective way to alleviate the anxiety of patients. The gas is administered through a small mask over the nose with a mixture of oxygen and has a calming effect that helps kids relax during their dental treatment. Your little one will be awake and able to talk throughout the procedure, but they’ll feel happy and maybe a little silly. Once we’re done, we turn off the nitrous oxide and they’ll breathe 100% oxygen to flush out any remaining gas. It wears off quickly and there are rarely any side effects.

Oral Sedation Dental Sedation
When kids are really anxious or young and are unable to cooperate for dental treatment, oral conscious sedation can be an option. Oral conscious sedation is safe and allows kids to get the treatment they need in our office. It involves taking medication prior to a procedure that dulls the senses and offers mild to moderate sedation. Kids will be awake and conscious during the visit though it’s not uncommon for them to fall asleep. Our pediatric dentists have specialty training in oral sedation and follow the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) guidelines to make sure your child’s sedation appointment is safe and successful.

IV Dental Sedation
Some patients, due to extreme dental anxiety, their age or the extent of their dental treatment needs, may require the use of IV sedation. When we use IV sedation, we bring in highly trained dental anesthesiologists to ensure your child’s safety. Dr. V. has extensive experience with IV sedation and she can talk with you about this option on an individual basis.
Is My Child a Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?
Your child’s safety, health, and comfort are our top priorities. If you’re interested in sedation dentistry for your little one, Dr. V. will be happy to see you for a consultation. She’ll take the time to thoroughly review your child’s health and medical history to ensure sedation is a good choice for them. Next, she’ll be able to recommend which form of sedation may be the best for them depending on their unique situation, and she’ll answer all your questions and concerns. These safe and effective treatments could potentially make caring for your little one’s smile much more relaxing and comfortable, so schedule a visit with an expert Scottsdale pediatric sedation dentist to put your child on the path to outstanding oral health.

FAQs About Sedation Dentistry for Kids
If you are interested in sedation dentistry for your child, it’s likely that you still have some questions. That’s fine! We are more than happy to give you all the information you need to make a well-informed decision about your child’s dental care that you feel confident about. When you give us a call or visit us for a consultation, we’ll be happy to address any and all of your questions and concerns personally. In the meantime, we’ve gathered some of the most common FAQs we get about dental sedation for kids below so you can learn more!
Is Sedation Dentistry Safe for Kids?
When administered by a highly experienced, board-certified pediatric dentist like Dr. V. sedation dentistry is completely safe for children. She holds active memberships in prestigious organizations like the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, American Dental Association, Arizona Dental Association, Arizona Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and the Southwestern Society of Pediatric Dentistry. These affiliations allow her to stay at the forefront of children’s dental health care. Plus, she maintains a certification in CPR as well as Pediatric Advanced Life Support alongside her Arizona state sedation license.
Is Sedation Dentistry Covered By Dental Insurance?
Different dental insurance companies take different stances on how much coverage dental sedation should receive. Some policies offer little to no coverage for sedation, but others will cover some of the cost in particular circumstances such as long or complex procedures. In some cases, your child’s health insurance may offer coverage for sedation dentistry if they have a certain disability or medical condition. Our knowledgeable team has years of experience navigating dental insurance plans and their details, and we will be happy to go over them with you to help you understand your coverage. We always do everything we can to ensure our patients’ insurance benefits are maximized for every treatment.
How Long Does Sedation Dentistry Last?
At Children’s Dental Specialty, we’re proud to offer three levels of sedation dentistry. How long your child will feel the effects of sedation will depend on which option is used. For example, oral conscious sedation will help your child relax before their appointment as well as for several hours afterwards. IV sedation is more potent, and we often advise parents to have their child rest for 24 hours for the effects to fully wear off. Alternatively, nitrous oxide only lasts as long as your child’s treatment. They will begin to feel light, happy, and at-ease within moments of administration. Then, the effects wear off within moments of having the small mask over their nose removed. They’ll be able to go back to their day without any interruption!
Can Dental Sedation Make You Sick?
It isn’t common to experience any side effects with sedation dentistry, but some children may feel slightly nauseous afterwards. The risk of encountering nausea after sedation is extremely low with nitrous oxide sedation, slightly higher with oral conscious sedation, and somewhat higher with IV sedation. However, even if your child feels a little bit sick after their dental sedation, this feeling should fade within a day or so. We will give you instructions beforehand to help minimize your little one’s chances of not feeling well afterwards. If your child is prone to nausea, let us know so we can make the appropriate accommodations and adjustments.