5 Ways to Get Children Excited About Taking Care of Their Smiles

While some children don’t mind brushing or flossing their teeth nightly, others can view it as a chore they have to do right before their dreaded bedtime. Not only can this make it difficult for you, as a parent, to encourage them to build a routine, but it’s also difficult to tow the line of not being too forceful and having them associate oral hygiene with consequences. One of the best ways to encourage your little one to get excited about their oral health and taking care of their pearly whites is to make it fun! Here are five ways to spice up their morning and nightly routines of brushing and flossing so everyone’s day runs a little smoother.

1. Try Out Oral-B’s Disney Magic Timer App

If your child loves video games or Disney, they may respond wonderfully to Oral-B’s Disney Magic Timer, which times each tooth brushing session they have and tracks when they’re diligent about taking care of their pearly whites consecutively. It’s fun to use, graphic and engaging, and incorporates all of their favorite Disney characters into their oral hygiene routine!

2. Choose a Friendly & Knowledgeable Pediatric Dentist

Pediatric dentists are those with specialized knowledge about oral development—they also have years of experience solely treating children, so they have countless tricks up their sleeves to help engage little ones while they’re in the treatment chair and get them excited about their oral health.

3. Set a Good Example by Brushing Together

It’s typical for children to model their parents’ habits and mannerisms, so by incorporating them into your nightly and morning brushing and flossing routine, you can help them build lifelong healthy habits.

4. Ask if Your Child Could Benefit from Dental Sealants

Is your child not as diligent about brushing and flossing as you’d like them to be? To minimize their chance of developing cavities, you can ask their pediatric dentist whether they’re a good candidate for a preventive treatment called dental sealants. It’s non-invasive, fast, and painless, and it can make a big difference in their oral health by creating a barrier atop their molars and oral bacteria and debris that may otherwise get trapped in them and cause decay.

5. Invest in Fun, Kid-Friendly Oral Hygiene Products

Nowadays, there are so many exciting and engaging oral hygiene products and educational materials out there that your child can engage with to make them more excited about taking care of their smile. Try taking them down the oral health aisle at your local department store and let them choose their very own toothbrush, flavored dental floss, and toothpaste. This will make them excited to use them, especially knowing that they were able to pick them out themselves!

About the Author

Dr. Veronica Martinez, known as “Dr. V,” is a board-certified pediatric dentist and mom who has countless decades of experience working with children. Before she became a dentist, she was an elementary school teacher! She has always loved supporting and educating children, and it was only a matter of time before she specialized in pediatric dentistry by completing her residency at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin. She’s dedicated to offering children compassionate and gentle care and always listening to their concerns and interests. For questions or to schedule a checkup and cleaning, visit Children’s Dental Specialty’s website or call 480-282-6746.

Dr. Veronica:

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