5 Signs Your Child Is a Candidate for Oral Conscious Sedation

Children don’t have to love going to the dentist, but it shouldn’t be a horrendous and traumatic experience for you and your little one. After all, if they’re afraid of the dentist now, they’re less likely to maintain great oral health later in life. Fortunately, sedation dentistry offers a variety of ways to help your little one relax during their appointment. One such option is oral conscious sedation, which is more powerful than nitrous oxide sedation but not as intense as IV sedation. Could oral conscious sedation for kids in Scottsdale be a good choice for your child? Read on for five signs that your little one may benefit from this type of dental sedation.

1.) Going to the Dentist Makes Your Child Extremely Anxious

Being very nervous or afraid of the dentist is more than just annoying when you’re trying to get your child out the door for their appointment. The feelings they have towards dental care now will influence how well they care for their teeth and gums later in life. Oral conscious sedation can help your little one overcome their fear of the dentist, get the care they need, and show them that dental appointments aren’t so bad.

2.) Dental Work Is Uncomfortable for Your Child

Does your child have an overactive gag reflex or sensitive teeth? Do they have a hard time sitting comfortably in the dental chair, or do numbing medications not work reliably on them? With oral conscious sedation, the body’s ability to perceive pain and other uncomfortable stimulus is muted, allowing for virtually pain-free treatment.

3.) Your Child Is Bothered By the Sights & Sounds of the Dentist’s Office

The dentist’s office is full of sights, sounds, and sensations that your little one isn’t used to. Whether it’s the smell of gloves or the sound of the dental drill, they can easily become overwhelmed. Since sensory experiences are generally reduced with oral conscious sedation, your child won’t feel bothered by them.

4.) You Want Your Child to Be Sedated, But Not Fully Knocked-Out

Many parents don’t realize that there are varying degrees of sedation. Oral conscious sedation is considered moderate, which means it’s stronger than options like nitrous oxide, but not as intense as IV sedation or general anesthesia. Your child will remain conscious throughout their time with oral conscious sedation, but will feel groggy and relaxed, which is much safer than being fully knocked out.

5.) Your Child Has a Long Appointment Coming Up

Even children who can tolerate some discomfort at the dentist or aren’t particularly scared can benefit from oral conscious sedation if they have a long appointment coming up. Anyone would have a difficult time sitting still comfortably for a long period of time, especially children. That’s why oral conscious sedation is often recommended when a kid needs a longer appointment or more complex treatment.

While these are all good indications that your little one could benefit from oral conscious sedation, the only way to know for sure if it’s the best choice is to visit your Scottsdale pediatric dentist. They’ll help you discover the most effective way to make dental care relaxing and comfortable for your child!

About the Practice

Children’s Dental Specialty is dedicated to caring for the growing smiles of Scottsdale and the surrounding communities. Not only do we offer a variety of treatments designed to meet the unique oral healthcare needs of children, but we also have sedation dentistry for maximum comfort. Our pediatric dentist Dr. Veronica Martinez has advanced training in numerous topics and will always prioritize your child’s safety and comfort. To learn more, she can be contacted online or at (480) 282-6746.

Dr. Veronica:

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