Dental visits are certainly important, but much of your child’s oral care will start at home! Dr. V and her team pride themselves on educating patients and parents on keeping kids’ smiles healthy and establishing awesome oral hygiene routines. If you’d like to learn some of the basics of kids’ oral care in Scottsdale or want personalized pediatric oral health recommendations, schedule a visit at Children’s Dental Specialty by giving us a call!

Oral Hygiene
Oral hygiene starts from birth. You can wipe your baby’s gums down with a moist piece of sterile gauze or a clean washcloth. Once their first tooth erupts, you should begin brushing it with an infant-sized, soft-bristled toothbrush and a tiny smear toothpaste, no larger than a grain of rice. When any two teeth are touching, you can start flossing. Brush kids’ teeth twice daily and floss once a day.
Stick with that tiny smear of toothpaste, before increasing to a pea-sized amount for kids aged three to six. You’ll do the brushing for babies and then supervise kids until you’re confident they’re brushing and flossing correctly.
- Stick with a diet filled with lean proteins, low-fat dairy, healthy fats, colorful fruits and vegetables, and whole grains.
- Most foods contain some sugars or starches, which the bacteria in the mouth feed on, releasing cavity-causing acids. To ensure your kiddo’s enamel isn’t constantly under attack, try to avoid continuous snacking.
- Limit sugary beverages and foods, as well as super sticky foods like raisins and fruit snacks.
- Enjoy things like 100% fruit juice and starchy foods, such as chips, in moderation and have them with a full meal.
- Offer water throughout the day and never give a child a bottle or sippy cup of milk or juice to go to bed with.

Keep an Eye on Non-Nutritive Habits
Does your child suck on their fingers? Still use a pacifier or bottle? Grind their teeth at night? Our team understands that looking for advice on breaking these habits can be overwhelming. Fortunately, we’re here to help!
While it’s best to try and naturally kick these habits to the curb, you can opt for a custom habit-breaking appliance if needed. It’s a safe, effective, and convenient way to keep your child’s oral health on the right track. Not only can the device help eliminate harmful oral habits, but it can prevent the misalignment of the teeth and jaws that may occur as a consequence.
Come See Us Twice a Year for Checkups
Your child must visit Dr. V every six months for a checkup and cleaning to ensure they’re maintaining good oral health. Not sure when their first appointment should be? According to the American Dental Association, babies should visit their dentist after the first tooth appears or by their first birthday.
During these routine appointments, our team will check for any issues and make sure all the teeth are developing normally. In some cases, a topical fluoride treatment will be provided as an added method of protection against cavities. Even though baby teeth are meant to fall out, it’s essential to keep them healthy for the sake of their permanent adult teeth.

Your Child’s Smile Deserves the Best!
Schedule a visit with our expert Scottsdale pediatric dentist to put your child on the path to outstanding oral health.